

5:44 AM

It's not really usual to find a coffee place that happens in puri area. Moreover, i wouldn't say this is a coffee shop because this is a house that turn into a coffee place, So i would say this is a coffee house. Simetri Coffee Roasters is the latest joint in Puri Indah, Kembangan - Jakarta Barat area. More to be exact it's at Jl. Kembang Abadi 7, Blok A13 No.15, just use your gps and you'll be fine!

You will feel homey ambience once you get here because the fact it's in a house and the interior that is really eye reliever will make you stay longer! If i go to a place or a cafe, i will choose the comfy one to sit. But in here, all of the seat spot are really cozy and every spot has their own way to make you comfortable enough to enjoy your day!

For all over impression for this place, this is a place for you to take your OOTD'S pict! With minimalist thing like white wall and wood floor , this is a good place for you all the OOTD'S lover!

I really wanted to take a pict inside of it, but everytime i want to take a pict, people will come over and over. This place is really full packed! All of the spot were taken as they sit in every seated place. I don't really take a pict when people sit there. Beside it's not polite, i want to respect their privacy and their quality time. Pfft, what can i do? Just come over peeps and experience yourself!

Potato and Fish: IDR 45k
(Smoke salmon potato rostie with avocado salsa and mesclun salad)
It's not really usual for a coffee place to sell this kind of food. The presentation is really eye catching and unique. The concept of this food is really interesting! At first, i was like "The hell is this?" But then the aftertaste got me like "UUGGHH YASSS!!". This is one is a real bomb! The rostie wasn't ruberry. Salmon taste okay. I don't know, there's just something that played in my mouth. The sweet, savory, sour, all in one!

Gyutan Don: IDR 55k
(50g Australian beef tongue marinated in gyu town sauce served over ricen and scrambled egg)
You can never beat the classic Gyutan don! This is one is great. Great taste and they're well marinated. BUT, it's so rubbery i even chew it a few times and it's still there! Hoping they make an improvement because this is a great one!

Breakie Burger: IDR 60k
(Grill oz beef patty, eggs, cheese, and side of fries)
This one is a great burger. However, i don't really like when something is savory but there's a sweet thing in it. It just ruin everything. I don't really like the caramelized onion. I do like it but it doesn't suit this burger that well; at least for me. The overall was okay, nothing wow-ed me that much.

Pan Egg Chorizo: IDR 49k
(Spanish pan egg and pepper chorizo sausage with roasted potato)
This one is a pass too. Don't get me wrong, they're really generous by giving all of the ingridients in it. The bell pepper, potato, and chorizo too and this one look really beautiful! But, the chorizo is REALLY salty. I just can't eat it, even when you eat it all gathered with the potato and bell pepper, it's still salty as well. It's still taste strange for me and weird.

Croque Madam: IDR 45k
(Ham and cheese between toaste topped with sunny egg and side of greens)
This one is really tasty! I like how the cheese melted inside of it and fit perfectly to the ham and to the toast as well. Perfect for everyday breakfast!

Smores Mocha: IDR 38k(right) & Taro Latte: IDR 38k(left)

Despite all of the tasty and not-tasty food here, i still want to grab the coffee! Little story, i ordered Green tea latte for me because i craving for green tea latte at that time. As i a took a pick outside, i came back with an uneven green tea and latte art and it's spill all over the mug. Turns out my friend accidentaly did it (Not on purpose for sure!). So i guess i just need to let it go. It taste exactly the same as i made the one at home, lol.

I can see myself spending my time here with my friend and grab a coffee here! Overall, the pricewise is really affordable. I mean for this kind of dish, it'll cost you a quite fortune if you eat it at other place. Tastewise? Some of i do like and others just not suit my tongue. But, i definitely will come back to try another dish!

Simetri Coffee Roasters
Puri Indah, Jakarta Barat
Jl. Kembang Abadi 7, Blok A13 No.15
Phone: (021) 5835 8895
Open from: 8 a.m - 9 p.m
Price for two: IDR 150k

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  1. sandwich and some fruit. They also have delicious coffee. Sadly I will be moving next week and so our tradition will end but we'll definitely be back as often as possible cause this sandy is to die for!coffee shop calgary
