

5:22 AM

Another newest dessert place that have their first store ALL THE WAY from Japan to Indonesia called St. Marc Cafe! They open their first store at Senayan City, Jakarta. As you can see from the picture above, there's Chococro, it stands for Chocolate Croissant which is really famous and a must thing to buy when you go to this cafe!

I don't know why Indonesia is always lack behind when it comes to a bigger franchise from outside of the country, but here it is, they open their first too eventually.

I don't think this cafe will be this small and it's not really comfortable to sit for a long time, it's not really spacious like what i have in my mind, i think it's only fit around 25-30 people. So guys, embrace yourself for the long queue!

For ordering system, it's all self service. Like you haave to queue, pick what you want, and then pay for your food, and you will be given like a coupon that will tell when you have to pick up your food.

One thing that really got me thinking is "How gorgeous this dummy are!" Like seriously guys, who ever did this is a total genius and full of creativity. You can actually see what it looks like before deciding what you want to choose!

If you can look closer to the price tag, yes, it's really expensive. For me, i am quite shock to see a parfait ice cream would cost you IDR 74.9k each, like seriously? But again, i'm so curious to find out what it taste like.

Chococro: IDR 19.9k
It such a bummer to see this croissant, because in my friends instagram, the chocolate would really melt down and so generous, but mine.. i even need to cut open to see if there's chocolate inside. The croissant bread was soft and crunchy, but the chocolate was decent, like what i would have in another store. But for 20k, it's not cost you that much to enjoy a Chococro.

Croissant Ham Cheese: IDR 22.9k
Yeah, this one is a total hands down! Even it's really basic, but i really enjoy eating this one, the cheese is really generous inside and the ham really fit to the croissant. Nothing to complain for the croissant since it's really good! The croissant is like puffy but still crunchy and soft inside. And again for this price, its not that expensive to enjoy this one too.

Choco Banana Split: IDR 74.9k
It's like a parfait but in a bigger portion. The ice cream vanilla is really decent, like what i would have in a fast food restaurant, sorry to say. But it's not that i didn't enjoyed this one, but i expecting more for this dessert, because as you can see, it's not that cheap to bought this.

In the same glass, you will get an egg pudding and ice cream chocolate and 3 slices of banana (like literally 3 slices only!) and in the bottom, i didn't know, me and my friend still guessing, whether it's an chocolate brownies or a cheese cake brownies, i should've ask first.

Berry Fuji: IDR 79.9k
Long story short, i have to wait for this dessert around 20 mins. But, it's okay because i really curious about this one! As it's arrived, the croissant bread was really warm so it's tell that it's still fresh from the oven! Again, nothing to complain about the croissant because they absolutely really delicious and so soft! For the ice cream, like what i would say, it's really decent. When you gather all the ice cream, croissant, and the berry, you will get the sweet and sour sensation. But the berry is really sour. I think that's the point. But for me, it's really such a bummer since i quite expected a lot more! 

As you can see from the price tag for the dessert, it's not really a cheap place to enjoy your dessert, it will cost you a fortune to enjoy your dessert. It's pretty decent with the taste and nothing get me crazy about (except the croissant, they're so good!). However, doesn't mean that it's decent that so i didn't enjoyed my dessert, i do; But i expect a lot more from this place.

St. Marc Cafe
Senayan city - Jakarta Selatan 10270
Jl. Asia Afrika Lot 19
Open from: 10 a.m - 10 p.m
Price for two person: IDR 200k

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